
Lecciones Clave que Aprendi en 2024
Este 2024 me enseno a apreciar y romantizar mi fotografia. Lo vi como una una oportunidad de transmitir una historia cautivadora, recordándonos que debemos apreciar el hermoso caos que teje el tejido de la vida.

Dark & Moody or Light & Airy Photos.
Do you actively seek out these specific styles as a client? Photographers often utilize their specialized terms based on their unique skills and experiences, while clients typically speak a language shaped by their personal experiences and expectations. By focusing on the clients themselves, we can unearth their unique vocabulary, aspirations, and hopes for their photos.

Spain Wine Tasting - Travel Photography
We did a wine tasting tour in Spain. But it wasn’t just a typical tour…castles, underground bodegas, flamenco show, tasting under the stars were just a little of the whole experience…