Karen Fabiola

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Transitioning From Mil Spouse To Retiree Spouse

Surprised by the title?

Well, after 9 years working as a photographer, I decided that I will embrace this new life stage.

Husband retired last year from the military after serving for 25 years and the whole retirement thing have been a roller coaster, that was expected, but still crazy transition. Now that he is home, I had a lot of choices…finally! I can still pushing photography business, go back to my original career (as school Counselor), or enjoy life with this guy, travel and share what we learned during this process. While the past two years have been “different”, I was definitely doing research and learning about benefits, medical appointments, health insurance changes, spouses and dependents available scholarships, possibility of become expats, travel hacks and tips as retirees…

Hawaii Sunset- Karen Fabiola Photo- Mira y Te Cuento

I found out that even when there is info around, there are not enough blogs, podcasts or articles from (by) mil spouses talking about this transition. Do not even think about any of this in Spanish. This phase is too important to be lacking on those who are almost , in the middle or past that retirement phase. Why is this happening? Is it a taboo subject? A forgotten population?


Believing that is important to share not only knowledge but experiences, the decision to create Mira y Te Cuento was an easy one. From now on I will be blogging , instagramming , twittering in Spanish. Sharing not only how we navigate all the changes but I also want to talk about traveling as a retiree, hotels that we loved (because it is not the same to travel as a family with toddlers as a couple with no formal schedule or waiting for command permission to take a vacation). I want to share how Tricare is been so far, how the college kiddos are doing, how to “plan” a space A trip as category VI , cool places we go, marriage stuff… The plan is to be a storyteller to help other military spouses that are wondering how is life at the other side (civilian).

Walking around Tokyo- Karen Fabiola Photo- Mira y Te Cuento

Still, I love photography, so I plan to take photos of all of this and do some sessions here and there while traveling. So far I can tell you this; I miss pcsing every 2- 3 years, I don’t even know if I want to stay still on one place. Hubby was ready for retirement, he was tired, it was time and he is enjoying the freedom :D. I hope you still around and share what it will become a new platform in English & Spanish of this retiree mil spouse in her 40’s , who is enjoying her new reality. Gracias!!!!
